Buying the Lies
Why we do it & how to stop
Y'all I was in deep. So deep it's taken me nearly 10 years to claw myself out. So much trauma and drama swirling in my extended family and in my body, all because I bought some serious lies.
Here are the lies I bought:
My body is broken
My family and the people I care about are for me.
So much of what we do when we buy lies is because we're staving off our awareness. We can't see the truth (more true - we're unwilling to see it).
In my case I was unwilling to contemplate the complete brilliance of my body. For years I spent stuck in a loop: why was it betraying me? How do I fix it?
In my family relations I could not accept that there were folks, very close relationships, who had spent years judging, gaslighting and scapegoating me. I was more willing to buy the lies, and maintain my “wrongness” then I was willing to call them out and bring these relationships to a conclusion.
So I suffered. A lot.
Finally, after a long haul, my body helped me noodle it all out. I realized my body was responding to the lack of safety that I was refusing to supply for myself. My body, in it's supreme intelligence would not allow me to continue to carry on, blindly.
What happened next, was that a tidal wave of vitality opened up for me. All the energy I'd used to maintain my denial suddenly got re-routed in the healing of the ding dang things I'd been managing.
What's hysterical is that I use my awareness professionally, but I'd been unwilling to use it in service to myself. Funny huh?
Now how do you stop buying lies? Perhaps you can start with a simple question:
What have I been unwilling to be aware of?
Opening the Pandora's box of awareness is never easy. There are good and valid reasons we've been unwilling to look. But if you're willing, perhaps inside are the keys to your well being?
If you need support in taking a look inside, I'm here for you.