Ultimate choice
Where your attention goes
This is one of those deeply inconvenient truths. So inconvenient that most folks deny the truth of it. Our attachment to our thoughts, feelings and emotions runs deep. Our very identities are aligned with the gurgle of chatter that is the nature of mind.
The fact of the matter is that if we can't control our own minds what power do we have to sustain lasting change for ourselves - for our world?
What choice do we have?
For many people meditation helps at quieting the mind. A long time ago running helped to quiet my mind. The rhythmic beat of my feat would entrain my consciousness. Sometimes I'd pair the beat of my feet with an affirmation. It was good medicine.
Since I started receiving energy work on a weekly basis achieving an empty mind has been a A LOT easier. Regardless of whether or not I have my running sneakers on. I’ve also paired this energy work with removing people from my life who see a wrongness in me. Now in addition to less mental clutter – I breath easier too, sweet relief!
These steps have given me so much space. Gone is the overwhelming responsibility I used to feel for fixing the world, which feels like an added bonus..I wonder what your strategies are for centering yourself in this wild world. If there's a new choice I can support you in making, you know how to reach me.