What's your story?
And does it stick you?
For a long time I was convinced that I needed to FEEL better in order to be happy. I was deeply locked into a melodrama with my body. Years of fighting adrenal, thyroid and sex hormone imbalances, kicked my fight flight system into the chronically on position, which in turn put me in the vast, horrendous land of depression and anxiety. Perhaps you've had a visit there?
That seemingly innocent conundrum: believing my body needed to be cured or healed BEFORE I made any attempt to address the depression and anxiety kept me in a perpetual chronic illness loop. I know now it was a lie. It was this dead end story that kept me sick.
Let me repeat that…according to the principles of neuroplasticity - your thoughts create a chemical - hormonal reaction in your body. This pattern of thought either supports healing or supports disease. I've personally discovered there's very little middle ground in this equation.
One day I'd had enough. I had no idea what it would take to change everything in my body and life that appeared sideways, but after 5 long years of being broken I needed to make a decision. And so I did. I made the decision to heal, without any evidence or guarantee that I'd be successful.
And now here I am, safely on the other side. I still have some of the diagnoses that I'd started with. And some conditions disappeared quite miraculously. I won’t suggest it was easy, but it certainly has been worth it.
So how about you? What stories are you buying simply because they've been banging between your ears for a long time? I know how terrifying it can be to put them down. A tip to get started is to invite this question: “who will I become?”. Then pay attention to the stories that surface. Identify the ones that keep you stuck. Finally, don't repeat the stories, not to yourself, not to others, simply observe them.
This seemingly simple shift, developing an awareness of the stories you've invested in, can kick start your healing quest.
If you need a helping hand I'm here for you.