My energetic gift to you

If you choose it

A year ago I smashed the concept of the New Year’s Resolution. It’s a fake trigger to initiate fake change. It’s a lie we tell ourselves. We pick up this lie from our mainstream media and culture. It pushes the idea that ‘you need to change!’. ‘You’re a work in progress!’ Baloney, hooey – all of it.

What if, you are perfect, right here, right now? No assembly or batteries are required.

I’m reminded of a dear client, who recently let go from a position that she no longer wanted. When she insisted on continuing to fit her round peg into the square hole, I balked. I suggested that perhaps she could rest. I suggested that perhaps she could re-charge and then ask her body, or the birds and trees what her next step should be. 

She looked at me like I had three heads of course. But, in time, her body brought her back to me, seeking more non-threatening ways forward. Bodies are funny that way. When we get better at listening to them, they’ll let us know what’s right for us.

Ever have a friend that says, You MUST listen to this, read this article, invest in this widget, wear these clothes…and you try, but just can’t seem to get it done? Yeah, ask your body what it knows about all that. 

There is so much intelligence, literally pulsating all around us, but we’ve been trained out of seeing it. We’ve been trained out of appreciating it. And we’ve most certainly been trained not to trust it.

And that’s where I come in. 

If you’re reading this, and you’ve made it this far with me, you are undoubtedly more like me then you want to admit. And no, that doesn’t mean you have to do what I do. But can I nudge you to lighten up on you? Can I persuade you to put your feet up this holiday season (both feet up, off the ground, no cheating)? Can I encourage you to try all of life, the easy way? I know for a great many of you the words “easy way” conjures thoughts of cheating, of getting away with something. Could that be a lie you bought? What if all of your toil and efforting is concealing the greatest gifts of your life?

So, for the end of 2022, I am energetically gifting to you a more ease-filled way – if you choose: May your entire life experience be filled, like a snow globe, with gratitude, self compassion, magic, miracles and mystery all suspended in a state of wonder.

Please take a moment to take 6 deep breaths. 

Soak in the gift.

Hugs, Emily