Raw Grace

Raw Grace
and the power of inconsistency

Hey, good people. I'm a day late and a dollar short. 
And that's the theme of this week's, video newsletter. It's called Raw Grace and the Power of Inconsistency.

I'd like to acknowledge how really weird this fall has been.

I don't know if anybody else is experiencing really wild energetic shifts in their world right now, but as for me, I'm not sleeping very much, maybe three or four hours a night. This transition into fall, my body has felt as if it's gained 15 more pounds. I just feel incredibly heavy. I'm not as limber. My entity awareness is off the charts, just burping constantly.

Lots of weird sensations in my body, lots of energetic weirdnesses happening. And then finally just recently, this weekend particularly, was a handful of tough conversations with people, with family, with friends, with children.

And so yeah, raw grace and all, pretty raw, stuff. As far as grace goes, how do we meet it all, right? For me, particularly, it's a lot of acceptance. You send the newsletter out late on a Thursday, you miss your therapy session, when you've been going for more than six months quite regularly, and you just happen to flake out. You have those tough conversations with family, friends, and children.

And particularly important is to have those conversations when you, are carrying the weight of something that didn't feel so great in the receiving of it. So it's important to go back. An old therapist I used to go to, called that "circling back". So circle back, and have that conversation.

Allow your kids to lead. Do you have to control everything? Do you have to control everything for your kids? Perhaps they are wise, and know what's good for them. And then as far as the sleep goes, just accept that you're in a season of change and maybe you don't have to fight the lack of rest and sleep. And, if you can build in some rest during the day, try that. But otherwise, carry on and do the best you can.

As far as entity awareness goes and, and burping, I know a lot of you aren't gonna be able to relate to that. And that's okay. Some of you will. And if that's something that you deal with, that's another area of acceptance. I'll talk more in the future about how your personal power plays into all of that. Power is elusive to a lot of us.

And then finally, the grace part. How are we cultivating grace in a season of change, in a season, of heaviness, of busyness? For me personally, I got to enjoy Marge's company on Sunday. We had, breakfast together, like we do most every Sunday morning. And we watched the attendees of the New York City Marathon, head up to Lafayette Avenue. So we were waving being really silly, from the window.

You go hiking with friends. I have the most amazing group of women that I am able to lean into and enjoy their friendship and their comradery. Can we all thank our friends for being there for us? That's a huge part of it for me, expressing my gratitude for those folks who show up for me.

I get my bars run a lot every week at least, preferably more. And I'm also packing. Getting ready to go on a silent retreat, which I'll be on for just the next few days over the weekend, which I booked six months ago. It still feels a bit tentative. I'm not quite sure why it feels tentative, but maybe that'll be the subject of next week's newsletter! And finally, as far as grace goes, I go back to my Instagram account and I watch a video of Marge singing Amazing Grace.

She got an enormous gift from a friend of hers recently. We have a prayer list that we work on for folks who are suffering any measure of ill health. Some are friends, some are acquaintances, some are strangers to us who have been referred. So she and I work on them and, and a good friend of hers that she's known for many years just passed away. Her name is Mary Helen. And, relaying the story to me, Marge described how Mary Helen gave her an enormous gift in the weeks leading up to her departure.

Mary Hele had found a level of joy and acceptance with her impending death. And a lot of that had to do with her ability to spend time with her kids who all came in to take care of her in the weeks and months leading up to her eventual departure. And Marge gave me a wonderful perspective on it. Instead of meeting death with anxiety, which is how we are conditioned to perceive death in this reality system, we actually have the choice to meet it with grace, even with joy.

Can we welcome it? That's big. So I'm sitting with all this and it's big and it's not always heavy, um, but it's big stuff. So I'll leave you with that. Sorry, I was late this week. I'm absolutely certain I'll be late again. Just trying to keep you on your toes. Alright, good folks. Love you. See you next week.