What's the Gift Inside You?

Consider this for your sweet body

Isn’t navigating a life and inhabiting a body weird? 

We all have the collective experience of both physical and inner realities. It’s this inner life of judgments, fear, and anxiety along with empathy, caring, beauty and understanding that amounts to the quality of our life experience.  

I like to think of the body as a modem or radio receiver. It collects data via our primary and subtle senses so that we can safely navigate within this reality. And directly at the center of this consciousness experience is our sweet often maligned body. 

This time of year I start to think of the tidal wave of judgment (in the form of New Year's resolutions) that our collective bodies are about to receive. It makes my heart hurt to think of it.

In my own Hero’s Journey my body, my sweet, faithful body, has been my greatest teacher. It’s taught me, through the most uncomfortable symptoms, what I should and should no longer tolerate in my life. It taught me where I needed to exhibit courage – even become ferocious in regard to minding my BEing. It’s only when I began to listen and prioritize my body did symptoms begin to ease. There was A LOT of trial and heaps of error.

An enormous lesson has been the realization that not everything my body experiences is mine. Much like a good therapist will tell you not to take your thoughts personally, the same is true for your body. Like the modem analogy, where a lot of crap is floating around the internet, likewise for your consciousness and your body. It simply isn’t yours.

This lesson came from my experience of skin cancer. When I realized I had let myself become a receptacle for the traumas and shame of certain family members. I made the decision to no longer take it on and poof, gone, skin that had been erupting for 3 straight years, healed spontaneously within one week.

Now I refuse to believe I’m some miracle case. These types of spontaneous remission stories are out there, but we all tend to collectively dismiss them, without digging deeper. And thus, we remain stuck.

So, how about you? This week, can you give your body some consideration? Can you allow it to lead? Can you determine what’s yours and what isn’t? Can you let your body dance? Is she allowed to enjoy ice cream? And more intimately, what has she been trying to tell you that you’ve been unwilling to hear? I promise you, she’s never ever wrong.

Stay tuned for more next week as we prepare for the new year, in keeping and not opposing our bodies. Till then enjoy the skin you’re in…

This time of year I start to think of the tidal wave of judgement (in the form of New Year's resolutions) that our collective bodies are about to receive. It makes my heart hurt to think of it.

In my own Hero’s Journey my sweet, faithful body has been my greatest teacher. It’s taught me, through the most uncomfortable symptoms, what I should and should no longer tolerate in my life. It was only when I began to listen and prioritize my body did symptoms begin to ease. There was A LOT of trial and heaps of error.

An enormous lesson has been the realization that not everything my body experiences is mine. Much like a good therapist will tell you not to take your thoughts personally, the same is true for your body. 

So, how about you? This week, can you give your body some consideration? Can you allow it to lead? Can you determine what’s yours and what isn’t? Can you let your body dance? And more intimately, what has she been trying to tell you that you’ve been unwilling to hear? I promise you, she’s never ever wrong.

Next week I’ll jabber more about living in keeping and not opposing our bodies. Till then enjoy the skin you’re in…