It only took 22 years

For my husband to admit I was right

Ok, this is cheeky I admit. But I do have to chuckle. Just last week I got a text from my husband (below). In it he admits, without saying it exactly, that he should listen to me and finally follow his own intuition. We’ll be celebrating 22 years this coming May. Clearly, I’m a terrible influencer that it took me this long to persuade him to live from this intuitive place. But alas, here we are. 

Now I gotta tell you folks how completely bananas it has made me to watch him (or my kids for that matter) acknowledge something “subtle” and then turn around and completely ignore themselves. It’s a miracle I have hair left from pulling it out in frustration! I’m joking, but seriously though, my kids have always been curious about what I do. They’re much more interested then my husband has been, in acknowledging their psyche’s pings and incorporating them into how they navigate the world. 

My husband on the other hand has leaned in the other direction. He’s flirted with atheism and had a strong side of skepticism over the course of our relationship. Side note: I’m personally a big fan of skepticism, and always encourage folks to be rigorous in self reflecting and testing the veracity of the information that they get from their own psyches. So, needless to say, it was a big surprise to get this text from my husband. 

And here’s a wild wrinkle…about 10 years into our marriage he totally blew my mind by telling me that prior to our relationship he had gone through a season of seeing psychics regularly. Cue my shock and awe (indeed, self proclaimed psychics don’t know everything!). I’d always known my husband as a doubter, a strong protector of his own psyche and intellect. Now, 10 years in, I saw a whole new aspect of him. The truth for him was that, at the time, seeing psychics helped him ease through a wave of anxiety and get to the other side. But what I told myself at the time was that he’d been looking for me, a psychic, all along, I just had to figure out who I was.

Now, on to what precipitated that text. He’d been working on a project that was taking upwards of a year and half to pull together. The day before this text arrived I heard him pitch an epic fit after he got some disappointing news. You should know, my husband doesn’t pitch fits and this was a monumental heave of frustration and self criticism. The text that came, and the following reaction, indicated his willingness to finally begin to listen to himself. 

Sigh. And there it is. Will it last? I hope so, for his well being and future success. Perhaps he’ll want to take my course. How about you? Would you like to shortcut 22 years and focus on your own psychic development? I’m launching my Psychic Development Masterclass soon and would love you in a seat, let me know if you’re interested.