Creating Change
Outlasting your resolutions
You know I've taken some big swings at New Year's resolutions.
I can't stand them. Primarily because they are just judgments with fancy dresses on. But I can hear you screeching: Then how am I supposed to create change?
I've got you covered.
Rather than a resolution, let's ask questions. Questions, unlike resolutions, create space and possibility. They also allow us to adapt, which, in my book, is so much kinder and more sustainable.
So, drumroll...the questions to create lasting change are:
How can I outcreate last year?
This can apply to bodies, businesses, relationships, and anything really. The energy of "outcreating" is so much more fun. It percolates with possibility. Its DNA feels like joy. With lighter energy, you are way more likely to create your desires.
Once you get the energy of what you want to outcreate. Ask:
What do I need to choose in order for this to become a reality? And
Who do I need to become in order to make this choice a reality?
After those probing questions, you'll likely have some ideas for the actions you'd like to take to achieve the result you're looking for. Of the ideas that pop up for you ask:
Does this match the energy of the thing I'm choosing?
Does this feel light and expansive? Or heavy and contracted?
Know that getting the knack for this is a process. You can't make a mistake. You simply make a new choice.
Finally, we commune with our original desires and with the choices for the actions we'll take. Don't abandon your desires. Keep revisiting them. Keep asking questions. If you've decided you know how it's all going to go down you'll likely be disappointed. Keep an open mind, be adaptable, and follow the light energy as you go. Treat your desires as the energetic entities that they are and you'll delight in their creation. Reach out with questions.