A Fool on wheels
A Fool on wheels
Skating into joy
So now that you are better acquainted with your being, knowing, receiving and perceiving – I need to let you in on a very big secret. Drumroll: your body has an awful lot to do with your being, knowing, receiving, and perceiving.
Before I deep dive, let's first decipher what I mean by You. The “you” we generally think of as us is our mind. Mind is the sum total of the thoughts, feelings and emotions we experience.
Now I invite you to consider that your body is a whole other entity. Your body is imprinted by the sum total of these thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Science calls this neuroplasticity.
Now, let's dive into the stand-alone, wholly miraculous awareness that is your sensate body. Given the journey I've been on with my body I know viscerally how my body is impacted by thoughts, feelings, and emotions. What was more of a mystery to me was acknowledging that my body as a whole organ, had its own POV.
Here's an example…a friend gave me some financial advice about a year ago. Initially, I got very excited by it. I attended a seminar on the subject and it's safe to say I was titillated. Then I proceeded to open about 15 browser windows so I could do further research. Weeks went by and I could never seem to open my wallet and put money into it. Eventually, the titillation gave way and my excitement fizzled out. Conversely, a different investment opportunity came up, and I observed myself getting my wallet, pulling my plastic, and with complete ease, making a large purchase. It's as if my body carried out the actions before my thinking mind could hem-haw and object.
In another realm, I'm learning to apply this to how I move my body. I recently took up roller skating and I'm in love. It's fluid, it's fun, the disco music makes my whole body hum, what could be better?! Welp, as I've practiced I've had a few injuries. Each and every time I went down it was preceded by a ping, a flare, a “knowing” that I should stop, pause or not practice that day. Did I listen? Nope. Has not listening kept me apart from what I really love doing? Yup. Am I committed to being a better listener of me? You betcha.
Now I’m beginning to understand that if I really want to achieve whatever it is that I'm going for I would be well advised to ask my body for its input. It's as simple as Hey body, what do you know about this opportunity? Hey body, how would you like to move? What would you like to wear? What would you like to eat? And on and on. If you start to play with this (and play is best), I wonder what you could learn from your sweet body?