Right for clients

Right for clients
wrong for me

When going through this breakup my second most nagging thought I had was: OMG, what will my clients think? Followed by, How this would affect my business?

Perhaps you’ve heard the adage before, that psychics are right for clients and wrong for themselves. I had never lived through this principle so viscerally till this year. There’s enormous truth in it. See, when you’re living your own trauma and drama, you can’t see the forest through the trees. While working with clients, while I care for them enormously, I’m not at the effect of their choices or the choices of their loved ones which in turn effect them. I have no risk in the outcomes. Thus, I am clear-eyed. But, the lens on myself? Yeah, that can be quite cloudy.

Why? Because psychics have needs, wants, yearnings, the desire to be right, and oh so much more crap that we create for ourselves. It’s all these factors that help the psychic to turn off their own awareness and self-knowing. These wants and yearnings are the seeds of the fantasies and self-limiting lies that we perpetrate on ourselves. And while I’ve demonstrated an unwavering commitment to becoming less cloudy - less stupid - I too am not above trying to tip the scales in the favor of my own crafted fantasies.

And there you have it. Psychics are human, with a dash of the supernatural.

The antidote to this is the same medicine I preach to you all weekly.
• Be unafraid to be brutally honest with yourself.
• Acknowledge what I know, be, receive and perceive.
• For the whispers of awareness that do pop into my consciousness, ask: Is this mine?

These tools are just some of the starting places I now have the gift of facilitating myself back to. Acknowledging the gift of what is. Acknowledging reality. And reality is always a gift, but only if we’re willing to receive it.