PSA for all my fellow co-dependents

PSA for all my fellow co-dependents
time to reclaim YOU!

This is a quick dispatch from the front lines for those of us who have addicts in our lives.

What if you got, finally, that you can’t save anyone? I think this is the hardest piece to accept. We think that by giving up controlling and judging the addicts in our lives it’s a short hop and skip to their ultimate demise. So we don our savior caps, jump in and make it our job to do the savior routine. And how’s that working for you? Not so great I bet. The fact is they will either live or die, and nothing you say, do, or attempt to manipulate can change that. They are choosing addiction and only they can choose recovery. Is it easy? Nope. Can you change that for them? Double nope.

And here’s a massive wrinkle to consider…how much of your control and manipulation is actually a judgment of them? Ah yes, judgment – the quick-crete of this reality. Could it be possible that your judgment is in fact helping to fuel their addiction? I wonder what would happen if you gave that up?

A solution? Get into allowance of everyone’s choices. Let addicts choose. And let you do you Boo. You have your whole life to live, can you choose it?