Sexual Healing

Sexual Healing
i bet i have your attention…

Welcome to a new awareness! You know me…As I unpack my life in front of you all we’ve made some important discoveries together!

I talked weeks back about the spontaneous and miraculous remission of the entrails of chronic illness that I’d been managing. At the conclusion of my marriage – poof! It all just went away. Still feels like a miracle. What I’ve discovered in the time since is how incredibly sensitive I am to energies (yes, all of them: entities, POVs, other people’s judgments, emotions, and on and on). 

When I first got into energy work, I gotta admit, I thought, “This is bullshit”. It began with Reiki, which I had some very interesting experiences with, but never felt “healed” by. Then on to the Access Consciousness system I now use, called “the Bars”. From my first class, I felt like someone put an energetic firecracker up my, well, you know. I was on fire. I had tons of energy. I didn’t need as much food or rest. Plot points in my life just started to miraculously line up. And then of course, 2 sudden remissions from two nasty diagnoses, all made a true believer out of me.

So, what does this have to do with sex? Turns out, in relationship, my body was siphoning off all the dysfunction from my marriage and partner. I was attempting to reconcile or heal all their stuff by transmuting it through my body. This is not a cognitive process. The body, sneaky little devil that it is, just does this without question (for some of us, not all of us). It’s a giver, a healer, a lover if you will. And what happens when you try to heal a partner without their consent (or your awareness for that matter), by using your own body? It will dynamically eff you up big time – enter chronic illness!

And do I know how ludicrous this sounds to average people? Yup! Am I talking to average people? Nope! If none of this resonates with you, you are not likely a sexual healer. If you’ve been in a long-standing relationship and also have long-standing health problems, maybe you could test the veracity of this for yourself. Inching toward this could simply begin with opening your mind to a different pov. Much like me going from: “this energy work stuff is BS” to “what the hell do I have to lose?”.

Is healing from all this a straight line? I guess it could be, we can hope for the best right? But in my experience, it was a jangled line – a muddled trajectory. But I did get to where I was aiming for. I did eventually figure it all out. Key strategies for me?

  • Asking: Is this mine? of everything that shows up in my body.

  • Getting weekly energy work for the last 2.5 years (I offer a weekly trade for $15 for folks who’ve taken my class!)

  • Being willing to make serious, very difficult, life-altering decisions

There you go! Easy peasy right? I joke, of course. None of it was “easy”. But was it worth it? Hell to the yes. Can I help you get to your own “hell yes!”. I hope so. You know where to find me.