Personal Power Starter Pack

Personal Power Starter Pack 
begins with the six elements of intimacy

Perhaps you’ve heard intimacy is tantamount to sex.
Nah, that ain’t it. True intimacy, the kind you develop with yourself, is in my humble opinion, the source of your personal power.

It took me a very long time to really get this piece of the puzzle. This was largely because I didn’t really have any relationship to and with my personal power. WTF does personal power actually mean anyway? I choose to define personal power as the place where you have ALL of you. It’s the place where you have intimacy with you. You trust you. You honor you. You have allowance or grace for yourself in good and bad times. You have access to your own vulnerability. You are grateful for you. You are kind to yourself and others.

For many of us, our parental figures had no access to their own power due to the stuckness of generational trauma. So, we adult children were left to figure out how to navigate ourselves to this elusive power. Some of us get there, many of us don’t

Trust, honor, allowance (aka grace), vulnerability, gratitude and kindness are the building blocks of intimacy. But choosing the elements of intimacy, over reactivity and volitility, is much easier said than done. Our unconscious reactions: anger, bitterness, resentment, and controlling behaviors are at the top of our emotional toolbox. 

And here’s the kicker. As you develop your relationship with self, and increase the space of intimacy within you – YOU WILL NOT BE REWARDED. See, you having all of you, is a direct threat to anyone who benefits from you disconnected from you. So, as you navigate this, please don’t expect a pat on the back. In fact, expect a whole lot of acting up from the nattering chorus of assholes you have decided to keep close. It’s this chorus of fools that will tell you you are an idiot and that embodying these qualities makes you weak.

Hear me now, and clearly. It’s these people, the ones most threatened by you intimate with you, that are your greatest enemies. They suggest, with absolutely no experience, that you will be taken advantage of. They suggest that you, simply by exhibiting kindness are in alignment with the forces of evil, whoever they’ve determined that to be. They will cut you off wholly and completely for not obeying them – and for choosing you.

I say, keep walking. Create as much distance from these people as possible. Continue to use your awareness and perception to navigate your way to intimacy. Will you be lonely? Sure, some days will be hard. Will you make mistakes and trust the wrong people? You bet! Will you grow wiser over time? Yes to that too.

This folks is a journey worth taking. It’s a magical path where you are at the center of your story. It’s not about getting it right or doing it to perfection. Its about being embodied. It’s about self expression and self trust. It’s about you being in and exploring your full potential which you’ll need your personal power to access.

This is ultimately about you coming into being. And I for one, can’t wait for you to join me here. I’ll put the coffee on.