The Hairdresser, the Comedian and the Filmmaker

The Hairdresser, the Comedian and the Filmmaker
stories of supernatural help

The road to realization can be long. Though I get that's not always true for everyone. I envy folks who have lightning-fast intuitions and easy-peasy realizations that come together on short timelines. That has not generally been my experience. 

What I'm talking about are subtle pings of premonition, intuition, and psychic activity. There have been a few in my life that have been on a slow boil, sometimes for many years. 

The Hairdresser

I was sick, really sick for a long time. Till one day I decided to crawl my way out. This wasn't a linear decision. It began with me, FINALLY deciding to take a crack at doing practice psychic mediumship readings online. It was then that I was pleasantly surprised that I knew some things about their lives that by rights, I ought not to know. 

Concurrent to this, I kept getting a recurring little nag in my head and it just said one phrase: The Hairdresser. 

Now, WTF does that mean? Given my new burgeoning, albeit free business, was I supposed to market myself to Hairdressers and the beauty industry? I assumed yes and created some ads, losing money and time in that decision. 

What showed up 2 years later finally answered this question. In the management of the cluster of chronic health conditions, I would frequent a few FB groups and occasionally see the acronym DNRS. Not intrigued, I simply wrote it off. Till one day someone with a similar disease profile wrote something so specific to what my own experience had been and connected her recovery to this mysterious DNRS. She generously offered to speak to me about it. When I got on the call in our brief introductions she mentioned she was a hairdresser. Huh, now that's interesting I thought. I discovered that the energy of the ping I got matched the energy of this woman and our conversation. This led to my discovery of the science of neuroplasticity. Which then helped me create a committed path to reclaiming my health and my life.

The Comedian

The next ping that arrived said: Comedian. Now I love all things comedy. But to be clear, I am a consumer of comedy and in no way an artist of the form. What was I to do with this ping? Sit on it. And so I did. 

Years later in 2018 my friends Kate and Emily reached out and asked if I'd be a guest on their podcast, Witchcast. I gave an enthusiastic YES, then a big gulp. This decision would require me to metabolize my fear of being a public psychic medium and to begin to get ok with being judged for it. 

As I got to know them I learned they are both really funny women. And Kate in particular has been in the stand up world. Zing, this matched the lightness of the ping I got called: Comedian. And not only can I count these gals as friends, but this decision expanded my world and business in ways that continue to widen my world.

The Filmaker

I did millions of kid drop offs and pickups at the public school directly across the street from Marge's little yellow house. It was 2011, well before I had a clue of what my vocation would be, and this ping came: Filmmaker. The timing was interesting because this ping got really loud concurrent to the release of the documentary Battle For Brooklyn. As luck would have it, those filmmakers were fellow parents at the school. Naturally my logical mind wanted to connect this ping to physical reality. I assumed they (or some filmmaker) would find the story of Marge and I so interesting they'd want to make a film about us! Hello ego! 

Eight long years weant by before Emily F. reached out and invited me to coffee to discuss doing a short doc about Marge and I. What she and Amit, her producing partner put together was a dream come true. She perfectly captured the collective spirits of Me, Marge and the little yellow house and crafted our story with tenderness. It's really beautiful, have a look here.

Whew, and there you have it. Having awareness, sometimes years in advance isn't easy. But if we can back off and stay in the question and in the wonder of the unfolding, life can be a more comfortable ride. Can you give it a try? I’m here to hold your hand if you need me.